
A very short short story
I, a man who had a neglected syndrome and I never knew I had it until I loss someone. I never knew that having a neglected syndrome would make my life out of balance. Before that, my dear reader, do you ever know what neglected syndrome was? This syndrome is the loss of ability to aware that I have two sides of my body even my world. As for me, I don’t aware my right side. Yeah, I haven’t notice my right world and neglected it. When I had this? It was since I have been hit by a car which not stops at the red light. I had minor injuries on my body but not my brain. I lost some part of it that makes me having this syndrome. Because this syndrome was just not noticing something so I never felt unfair or depress about it but even unnoticed that I have it. But, the balance of my life was affected.
On one evening, I had my tea at the balcony of my apartment. I hear someone knocking at my door. I got the door and what do you think I see? A woman was standing there. She was asking me direction to someone’s apartment. Fortunately, I know the whole building and I showed her the direction. With a smile, she thanked me. A warm smile that made me touches.
The next day, in the morning, I hear a cat meowing at my balcony. I was surprised of such a brave cat, to climb until the fifth floor of balcony. But the brave thing was just for a second, because when I had an eye contact with it, she was already scared of height and ran to me. Maybe you would think like this, ‘how I know that the cat is she?’ right. That is because my mum taught me that all the animals were she and all the things was he. Funny right but I like it that way.
I take the cat inside. A few seconds later, the bell rings. I went to the door and to my surprise, the same women stood there. I ask her, ‘do you loss the directions again?’ She laughed. My heart melts. She had a sweet laugh. She said that she was searching for her cat. She show me the picture of her cat and what a coincidence! It was the cat that was just entering my apartment trough my balcony. So I just pick the cat and give it to her. But before I loss her again, I make my move. I said, miss may I know your name? And I smile.
She nodded and smiled back. She said, ‘Camelia’ I nodded and said, ‘Nice to meet you, Camelia, I’m Turner. After that simple introduction, she loss again and im back to do my work in my apartment.
After a week busy working, at last my work done.  It was already in the evening. I’m bored of not doing nothing. At that time, she emerged in my mind. Her smiles and her laugh. It was giving some peace to my mind. How relaxing. Then, I had a taught. Maybe, I should take a walk around the garden in front of my apartment and maybe amazingly she will appear there. If it comes true then I would ask her number try to catch her. But it was still maybe….
So, I take a walk at the flower garden. What a wonderful evening…… nice breeze…in the garden, they was a few people. But, something strange happen. They seem look at me weirdly. Like I’m coming from another planet. But, I don’t mind it and I ignore it. I just enjoy my walk.
Suddenly, I hear someone calling me. Turner… turner… the voice was coming from my left. That what I thought. Then to my surprise the woman that I really wanted to meet was in front of me. I smile. I was really happy but before I could spill the words, she asked me a weird question.
Turner, are you okay? Are you sick? Your bleeding badly you know. Where have you been?
I agitated. I was confused of what she was saying. I’m bleeding? Sick?
What do you mean Camelia? Ca….me…li…..then all went black!
I don’t hear anything. I don’t feel anything. When I open my eyes, I was at the hospital.
Turner, are you okay?
Turner, why you walking alone at the garden like that?
Why do you not even notice me when I was standing beside you the whole time you were in the garden?

Why do you even smile at me in  that situation?
Did you ever notice that I was staying in your apartment the whole week?
Turner, turner!!
She was crying. She was shaking me.
I feel confused.
Then the doctor came. He gave me a special mirror. It was a prism I think. It shows me my right side. Full of bandages. I was surprised. Is it me? Why I could not feel it?
Then the doctor gave me an ordinary mirror. My right side was not there. But it seems that I don’t notice it. The doctor gave me a piece of paper. He asked me to draw a clock and house. I draw it. I think it the same simple drawing like I used to draw. That is what I thought. But, when the doctor gave me a special lens, I saw something strange. It was just half of the picture. I loss the right side of it.
That was the moment that I know I have the syndrome. And that moment also that I know that Camelia was not just a woman that I just met but she was supposed to be my girlfriend but I forget it because I had a car accident after I declare it to her.
The day that I thought I was first met her was just a dream that I had in the hospital and the apartment was my hallucination when I was unconscious at the hospital. The garden was the only real things that happen to me but why I was there I’m still not remember it.
The balance of my life is not there after the accident. I became shock and fainted again.
I opened my eyes. I saw Camelia smiling at me. I also saw some pearls of tear drooling from her eyes.
Turner, I loved you. Don’t leave me again. I have waited for you the whole week but you never there. I am glad that you alive.
Her voice was so soft. It made me felt sorry for her.
Camelia, I am sorry. I was too happy and I never realize that the car was only 2 inch in front of me.
I wiped her tears and give her a smile.

After a month, I went back with my apartment with the help of Camelia. Camelia was not my girlfriend after I met her again at the hospitals. She was now my wife. What fortune that I had. Maybe jackpot. Camelia now was my right side world and I love her too.


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